
Welcome friends!

Welcome to my webpage, a place dedicated to children with alopecia. My name is Peyton, a 14-year-old who was diagnosed with alopecia at 8. I am here to help you through, and know that we are all a community. My blog is a place where kids with alopecia can freely post their troubles, and get answers from people who care. Hopefully, all that come to this page will get the help they need and deserve.

By Peyton H.

I’m completely bald and the proud owner of a blog called Peytonpecia is all about helping kids with alopecia areata feel comfortable with themselves.

8 replies on “Welcome friends!”

Hi Peyton:
This blog is fantastic! You will surely help so many kids who are going through what you have gone through . Your strength and positive attitude will help them know that they are not alone and that everything will be OK!
I am proud of you for doing this. I am going to share your blog info on my FB page. You never know, I may have friends whose kids are going through the same thing you are.
Have a great trip to Napa.
Con cariño,
Señora Wagner
